Kawaii or not: 9 Oddest inventions from Japan

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:16
Silent Microphone

We’ve dug into the recesses of the Internet to find your these odd gems from Japan. Enjoy.

Ah Japan, the land of anime, sushi and a million flavours of Kit Kat…

Japan has always been known for its innovative and sometimes weird inventions that have spawned many Internet listicles and even its very own Weird Japan website.

We’ve always been amazed by the sheer creativity of the Japanese that can result in cute miniature kitchens, delicious green tea desserts and Hello Kitty rice cookers. But that same creativity can go wrong. Very wrong.

That creativity has branched into Japanese body pillow spouses, used underwear vending machines and horrible trends like the bagel head (Google at your own risk).

So we’ve trawl the deep dark recesses of the Internet to find you some useful and slightly bizarre Japanese products.

We’ve hit that odd part of the Internet now and we are scarred.

You are welcome, by the way.

Cheryl Lee

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