Damage-Free: 5 Easy ways to get lasting curls without heat

updated the 3 May 2019 à 14:10

Heatless curls are a great way to add bounce and volume to your hair. The best part – it is not one bit damaging.

Pin Curls

While curls may look flattering on many different hair types and lengths, it is also one of the most damaging hairstyle methods for your hair. The heat from curling irons and using it constantly can cause your hair cuticles to become damaged leading to unhealthy hair over time. We are not saying that you should boycott hair curlers altogether though, because there are ways to achieve curls without heat. This method is great as a substitute in between curling your hair with an iron.


If you are going for a slightly more defined curl, use hair pins in place of your hair curler. Start off by separating your hair according to your desired parting and brushing thoroughly to get rid of any knots. Pin curls look great on side-swept hairstyles. Once done, take small sections of your hair and twist it upwards. Secure the curl with a pin and repeat the step till you’re complete. Sleep with the curls overnight to allow it to set. Remove the pins the following morning and run your finger through to separate the curls. Adjust your hair and style as desired.


This is best done after a shower. Start off by washing and combing your hair. Cut paper towels into two-inch strips and roll the hair onto it just as you would do with a roller. For more curl, pick up small sections of hair. Finish off by tying the end of the paper towel tight with a elastic band. Unwrap the hair in the morning and voila! Beautiful soft curls achieved.


Sponge curlers are best used when you are going for the retro wave look – big and voluminous curls. This is suitable for any hair length. For short hair types, you can use a sponge curler to curl the end of your hair and even the fringe for a 80s feel. Begin at the crown of your head, starting with the hair down the middle of your head. Take medium sections of hair and begin twisting your hair towards the direction of your crown. Secure the curl with the sponge curler and allow the hair do to set for a few hours. Remove the curlers and spritz hairspray to keep the retro waves in place.


One of the simplest ways to achieve curls without any heat is to french braid your hair. The intricate weave may appear complicated but is very easy to do with countless of video tutorials online. Begin by gathering a small chunk of hair at the top of your head. Next, separate the chunk into three, even strands. Do a traditional braid and gather a small section of hair from the either side of your head (does not matter if it is the right or left as long as you stick with the correct side throughout) and add it to the complementary strand. Continue doing so till you reach the end and secure the braid with an elastic. Due to a tighter weave, this method sets your curls faster. After a few hours, remove the elastic and run your fingers through to separate the curls.


This method is all about using your hair to create a headband. Slightly dampen your hair using a spray bottle and put a thin headband onto your head. Position the headband such that it cuts across your forehead. Wrap your hair in pieces around the headband and leave the style for as long you can. We would recommend at least 3 hours and above. Once you are ready to remove the headband, unwrap your hair and comb through as desired.

Head over to the gallery up top for a round up of no-heat curl inspiration from Pinterest. This substitute of not using heat in place of your traditional hair curlers is a great way to create a variety of hairstyles from vintage curls to retro waves.

Perin Sidhu


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