Hairstyle: 15 ways to reinterpret the classic braid as seen on pinterest

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:51
The crowned braided scarf

Follow these step-by-step guides to achieve various effortless braided hairstyles.

Very fashionable for several seasons now, everyone is rocking creative braids, so why shouldn’t you?

But be careful, to be trendy, forget about the simple single braid, made with three branches of hair each way. We love creative, over the top braids – from different styles to buns and chignons.
To become familiar with the technique, Marie France Asia has selected 15 Pinterest models showing you how to achieve the fun braids.  Follow the step by step tutorials and this process will become as easy as child’s play.

Loreleï Boquet-Vautor

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine