Made in Singapore: 10 Local films Singaporeans can be proud of

updated the 3 May 2019 à 15:22

We may be small, but we are a nation burgeoning with talent. especially in the area of film. Check out our list of local films every Singaporean should watch.

12 Storeys (1997)

Contrary to some statements you may have heard, our small island is not devoid of talent. Our local art scene is thriving more than ever with designers, artists, musicians and filmmakers.

Singapore has always had a long list of decent local films (no, we’re not referring to some local movies that are more parody than feature film). This is largely the contribution of acclaimed director Eric Khoo, who put Singaporean films on the map with his first feature, Mee Pok Man. Today Khoo not only directs his own, but also has a hand in producing a ton of other local films like One Leg Kicking and 881.

The little red dot will never be short of talent filmmakers, especially when we have courses such as Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s Film, Sound & Video, which boasts alumni such as directors Boo Jun Feng and Anthony Chen.

In 2013, the latter had gone to receive the Cannes Film Festival’s Caméra d’Or for his debut feature Ill Illo. Chen’s win marked Singapore’s first ever Cannes award.

Supporting local film, music or art is not an act of patriotism, but a pledge to encourage passionate artists in a land of comparatively little opportunity. It’s easy; just start by checking out our curated list of 10 of the best films made by Singaporeans up in the gallery.

Amanda Lim

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