Film Famous: 10 Movie destinations to visit in your lifetime

updated the 6 October 2015 à 22:22
Grand Bazaar, Istanbul

Has watching a movie ever stirred your wanderlust? We round up 10 travel destinations inspired by our Hollywood favourites.

Is this real life, or just movie fantasy? In this era of Hollywood, filmmakers have chosen to step out of the studios and make their films in real locations. Naturally, this causes the locations themselves to skyrocket to fame.

Thankfully for us, visiting a famous movie location (a.k.a. set-jetting) has been made so easy in recent years thanks to dedicated movie tours and die-hard movie buffs.

It is easy to understand the appeal of movie-inspired travels. Being in a place you’ve seen countless of times that seeing places through a television screen has a magical feeling. Not to mention, it’s great fun to watch your friends get excited when you casually mention you went to the same Parisian café where Amelie was filmed.

If a film has ever inspired you to take off to a far off location, check out our list of countries, cities and landmarks that have been made famous thanks to Hollywood.

Amanda Lim

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