Washing your face in the shower can age you faster, according to skin experts

Fancy washing your face in the shower? You might want to rethink that after this.

If you’re a multi-tasker like we are, you’re probably partial to the following in the shower: brushing your teeth whilst rinsing the soap suds off, croaking out a ’90s ballad or two mid-rinse – and even complete your entire face cleansing routine under the shower stream.

While these are certainly life-saving habits for those time-pressed mornings, it turns out that you should never wash your face in the shower.

According to dermatologist Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi, in an interview with The Gloss, the sink ought to be only place we cleanse our face, as washing your face in the shower can aggravate your skin. Why, you may ask?

Firstly, it has to do with the temperatures of a hot shower, which may be damaging to your delicate skin, leaving it dehydrated in the long run. “You can gauge the temperature more effectively,” the skin expert shared, “and should use lukewarm water (or) cold water, which is better for delicate faces.”

Similarly, in an interview Marie Claire, dermatologist Dr. Hadley King says that the “hot water and temperatures (can) dilate blood vessels and capillaries… which can leave skin red and aggravate conditions like rosacea.”

There is also the issue of the residue from your other shower products, like the leftover shampoo and conditioner, which can very likely come into contact with your skin and wreak havoc on it.

Another concern would be moisture loss. Contrary to what you might think, according to Dr. King, “facial skin, like all skin, can become too dry if there is too much contact with water.”

The general rule of thumb? “Make it not too long, not too hot, and not to frequent.” If the warmth of the water is merely lukewarm, any risk of dilating your capillaries is minimised.

It’s Not All Bad News

However, if you’re truly pressed for time and can’t foresee ever giving up your face-cleansing-in-the-shower-routine, just know that as long as you stick to the above guideline, washing your face in the shower can actually be perfectly fine.

There are, in fact, some perks, provided the rule of thumb is adhered to – the hydration and warmth from the shower water can make your skin particularly prepped for gentle exfoliation and thorough cleansing.

Sarah Khan

Photo: Getty Images

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