Adult Acne: When should you visit a dermatologist?

updated the Tuesday, June 27, 2017
When your current medication stops working or has never worked

Adult acne affects 1 in every 2 women. Should you see a professional about it?

You were told that your skin would clear once you reach your twenties. After all, the textbooks say acne is the result of your puberty years (because your skin clearly needed the additional distress), on top of hormonal imbalances and the weird growth spurt that hit you overnight. Since then, you’ve been alternating between concealer and spot treatments, convinced it’ll all go away soon. As the days keep going, turning from weeks to months, you begin to realise something: your acne is not going away.

Adult acne affects over 50% of women and 25% of men. This means that nearly every other woman in the world (and one in four men) have found themselves with the appearance of acne well past their teenage years. Just because it is common does not mean it should be ignored, though. You might actually need to visit a dermatologist to see if there are any underlying causes. Here are five things you should take into consideration.

Lee Hui Bing

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Zit Free: 10 Effective acne-fighting products for clearer skin in 2017

In Your Kitchen: 10 Natural ways to get rid of acne scars

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