Father’s Day Meal: 5 Delicious recipes to whip up for dad

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:02
Chicken curry samosas

There’s nothing like a hearty home-cooked meal to show your dad your love and appreciation for him. We’ve got some easy recipes to get you started.

With Father’s Day just two days away, it may be too late to get him a gift or book a place at that fancy restaurant you had in mind. But don’t work yourself into a panic just yet –there’s still hope and it comes in the form of a good home-cooked meal.

Afterall, the best gift you can give your father is a full, satisfied stomach so go ahead and make dad’s day with a scrumptious spread that will more than make up for the missing gift.

Treat your father to the meal of his life with these mouth-watering recipes from our sister site Gourmand Asia for roast chicken, curry samosas, avocado pesto gnocchi and more.

Happy cooking and here’s wishing all dads out there a Happy Father’s Day!

Karen George

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