10 British women to undergo uterus transplants as first clinical trial

British researchers have given the green light to start the first clinical trial of uterus transplantation in 10 women.

uterus transplantation

After the first success in Sweden months ago, a team of British researchers received ethics approval to begin a series of 10 uterus transplants. According to Richard Smith, a gynecologist at Imperial College Healthcare, NHS Trust in London, “This intervention is a viable solution for women who have no other chance to bear their own children.”


According to the researchers, 50,000 British women of childbearing age suffer from infertility because their uterus is not viable.

This clinical study will be open to women who: are engaged in a relationship for a long time; are aged 25 and 38; whose ovaries are functioning normally and; besides these, are healthy. The research team working on this project has already received hundreds of requests for infertile women in recent years and have currently identified 104 people who fit the criteria of the study. Of these, ten patients should be recruited well and operations are planned for the beginning of 2016.

Maureen Diament and Nur Syazana H.

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