Apivita hand cream: A solution for dry and chapped hands

updated the 13 June 2014 à 23:12

Packed with natural ingredients and ant-ageing properties – soft hands are just a step away with Apivita hand cream. We test it and give our verdict.


More often than not, we have got our daily skin care routine nailed down to a perfect T. The only thing we’re more likely neglect or forget to nourish are our hands, who meet the daily brunt of everyday life – from carrying heavy shopping bags to typing furiously on the computer in the cold air-conditioning. That is why many say that the quickest way to notice signs of ageing on a woman is, unfortunately, through her hands.

Now, there is no way that we are giving the naysayer the pleasure of repeating that when we’ve got Apivita’s Hand Cream in our arsenal! Apivita’s Greek origins have been revered for including a majority of natural ingredients in their products and the hand cream is no different for it contains 97% of natural ingredients like Hypericum, olive and Rosehip oils to heal dryness.

In an effort to maintain smoothness in your hands, Apivita cream contains beeswax, Shea butter, geranium and lavender essential oils to restore the skin’s moisture and leave it feeling silky and soft to the touch. Additionally, Propolis and vitamin E aids to protect against premature ageing and free radicals – the most important bit of the cream we say.

Instead of water in the hand cream, Apivita went one step further and innovated with an organic witch hazel infusion to enhance the antioxidant and soothing action of their hand care line. Although, this particular hand cream is most suited for cold weather, it could also work wonders with those who work in cold air-conditioned temperatures for most hours of the day.

Our favourite bit about this hand cream is that the after effect is not oily and is instead readily absorbed into the skin, which is a huge tick in our books for a hand cream. So, it’s about time we banished aging signs not only on our faces but on our hands as well!

Apivita Hand Cream for Dry-Chapped Hands (USD9.60) is available online and at the following outlets.

Tarandip Kaur

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