Sunsprite: The UV meter you need to know about!

updated the 24 June 2015 à 10:58

Competely new and just in – a gadget that can tell us if we are exposed to enough UV light, and finally know for sure if we have a sufficient dose of vitamin D.


It snaps onto the collar of our blouse or t-shirt, and is able to detect the amount of light perceived by our eyes, and UV dose captured by our skin.

Developed by a U.S. start-up backed by doctors, Sunsprite is an innovative gadget to whether or not we are lacking the sun. Remember that not seeing enough of daylight often presents risks to health – vitamin D deficiency, fatigue, seasonal depression…

Conversely, there is no point taking in excessive amounts. We cannot synthesize more than a certain amount of vitamin D daily. In other words, there is no need to roast on the beach 8 hours a day during the holidays in the hopes of making up for it. Take note that suddenly going under the harsh sun for long periods when you are unused to it increases the risk of skin cancer.

The only downside is that we all have different levels of ability to make vitamin D, depending on our age, our skin, genetics, our weight, etc… This means that though Sunsprite can give us valuable information, it unfortunately cannot be as accurate as we would like. We can only hope the v2.0 will be more efficient!

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Maureen Diament

Marie France Asia, women's magazine