FIFA World Cup 2014: Women’s survival guide

As the World Cup approaches, we dish out all the tips you need to enjoy the football-filled month and make the most of it.


Every 4 years, and for one month, a strange phenomenon takes place where most men on this planet go MIA (missing in action).

Planning a party, or a hot date during this month is like an impossible task – unless you have the sports channel on and you’re prepared to serve beer and nachos instead of cheese and wine and listen to cheers (or grunts) instead of sweet nothings.

Yes, we are talking about the FIFA World Cup which starts in a couple of weeks and is going to be all what most men are capable of talking about and interested in watching for as long as it lasts.

As the less football crazed sex out there, some of us women, tend to feel left out during this time. But that doesn’t have to be the case. Whether you decide to join the boys in cheering on or stay away till the whole thing is over – here are some tips to help you survive this football mania which we certainly cannot escape:

Join in

As the saying goes: If you can’t beat them, join them. Whether you’re doing it to impress your guy, or you’re a true football loving gal (we’re all for that by the way), there are rules to follow when it comes to such an important event. To avoid pitfalls and turning it into a nightmare, follow our tips:

Be the supporting act: If you invite your man over to watch a match, don’t expect the attention to be on you. Accept that unlike on a date, you’ll be more of an invisible host than the main attraction. Whether it is screaming when his team scores and giving him a consolatory hug when they lose being there for him is what counts and although he’ll be deep into the haze to notice on the spot, he will appreciate it later.

Pick a team and stick to it: Unless your country is playing and you rightfully get all patriotic, there’s no harm in choosing a non-related team to support during the World Cup. The process could be fun to start with, as for the criteria – we’d say go for the one with the hotties! Watching the games will be far more fun when you’re cheering for a team.

Parties and more parties: Big game? Why not plan a party and gather all your friends to join the fun? Make bets on who’s going to win and continue with a football themed after-party. Another reason to party, eh?

Bars and beers: Arguably the best place to join the excitement and watch the games are at pubs full with hot guys wearing football jerseys. The vibe and atmosphere are a lot of fun even for the most neutral girly girl out there.

Opt out

Not a fan of the ball games? With the absence of men, this month could actually be a good opportunity to do the things you always wanted to but had no time. Starting with…

Host a g irls ’ night in: Gather the ladies and put on some chick flicks to watch while sipping on wine and martinis – and gossiping about the boys in their absence.

Shop till you drop: With GSS happening in Singapore – and seasonal sales practically on every online shop – it seems just like the perfect time to get your hands on some bargains and update your summer wardrobe, guilt-free!

Catch up on reading: He’s not available to whatsapp for a few hours? Not a bad thing as this will give you time to light up a scented candle, sit in bed and finally read that best-selling novel you bought for the summer. No excuses or distractions.

Book a weekend on a remote island: As the World Cup fever hits almost every country on earth, the only place to escape it completely is to book yourself a short trip to an island where you can sit by the beach, spa, shop, practice yoga and do anything except turn that TV on a football match.

Rana Wehbe

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