5 Quick last-minute fixes for the worst of beauty woes

updated the 3 May 2019 à 13:46

The trick here is to stay calm and solve any pesky problem with our nifty hacks.

Dry skin

Ever been in a situation where your skin decides to magically breakout before an important event? How about having to experience extremely dry skin all of a sudden? We have all been in our fair share of beauty crisis situations and if there is one thing we’ve learnt, it is to be calm. There is always a solution around the corner and fussing about it isn’t going to make the issue at hand any better.

Beauty woes happen to the best of us. If you wake up with a zit, don’t worry. Instead of popping it and increasing the chances of it being inflamed and even more prominent, use a green concealer. The green pigment will help to counteract the redness and make the appearance of the zit less obvious. Follow up with your usual concealer routine and you’re good to go.

Zits may be one of the many beauty woes we face but just as we have a solution for this, we have 5 more solutions for common beauty problems. Head over the gallery up top for a round up of quick fixes you absolutely need to know!

Perin Sidhu


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