Bodycare 101: 5 Tried and tested ways to prevent body breakouts for good

Change your bedsheets regularly

Blackheads and whiteheads can appear anywhere, including on your body. We round up some of the best ways to not only get rid of but prevent those pesky zits from returning.

If you thought dealing with zits on your face was tough, add body breakouts to the menu – it is frustrating. Unlike facial acne, body breakouts occur more frequently due to external conditions such as build up of sweat. This only means that it is good news for us as we can control and clear the breakouts faster using external methods.

Body breakouts occur due to the over production of oil resulting in clogged pores. These clogged pores are “great” breeding sites for bacteria to grow. Our body has a thicker surface area which is able to trap more oil and dead skin. This leads to the formation of zits particularly on our back which is constantly in contact with friction from our clothes. While some of these zits go away naturally, there are some stubborn spots which keep reoccurring.

Tired of breakouts? So are we. Head over to the gallery up top for 5 tried and tested tips to keep your body breakout-free.

Perin Sidhu

Featured Image: Getty Images


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