How to quickly depuff sad eyes in the morning?

updated the 3 May 2019 à 15:10

With these quick and easy tricks, you can banish telling swollen eyes even if you only got minutes in the morning.

Tea Bags

There’s nothing wrong with having a good cry, except waking up in the morning with swollen eyes. Having puffs for eyes is never a cute look, it makes you visibly strained, tired and really sad.

Puffy eyes make matters worse by making it both impossible and pointless to even put makeup on. The last thing you want is to look like a sad puddle of mess after enduring a disastrous night.

Still, you don’t have to go cancelling your appointments just to hide under your covers. The best remedy for a shitty night of bawling is to step out the door. After all, the morning brings new beginnings.

What about your swollen and puffy eyes? Are we suggesting you leave your room looking like you cried the whole night? Of course not! We got you covered with five tried and tested tricks to soothe the swollen and expel the puff from your eyes.

Amanda Lim

Photos: Getty Images

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