Beat the Heat: 6 Foods to avoid in Singapore’s scorching weather

updated the 2 May 2019 à 23:48

Hint: you might have to give up your booze and beef!


“Summer” (or just hotter days) are officially upon us here in Singapore, and now more than ever we need to take care of our bodies so that we can beat the heat! One way we can do so is to be mindful of what we eat — and by avoiding certain foods that can make us seriously sick in this weather.

Some of the things on this list may surprise you, while some may make you a bit sad (warning: you might have to forgo your favorite coffee shop after work for a while!), but here are 6 foods you should avoid in order to take care of your body while living in this Singaporean heat.

So, what can you eat instead?

It might seem like you need to avoid everything, but that’s not the case!

The processed sugary food can be substituted by fruits with “natural” sugar, such as watermelons, papaya, pink grapefruit, and guava, all which include a nutrient called lycopene which can also protect you from sun exposure.

And although we did mention meat on our list, you don’t have to give them all up! Chicken kebabs are packed with protein but low in calories, fat, and carbs (and the grilled vegetables it comes with is also good for you!). It is also encouraged that you eat seafoods, such as shrimp, as an alternative to meat. So don’t lose all hope; there are definitely delicious alternatives!

Kanako Sugawara


Bad to Worse: 10 Foods & drinks to absolutely avoid when you’re sick

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