Instant Relief: 10 Natural foods to ease your menstrual cramps

Move over painkillers and heating pads, it’s time we introduce some natural ways to effectively combat the aches, so you can bid goodbye to most of your period pains.

Once again, it’s that time of the month and your stomach feels really bloated even though you’ve not eaten much the entire day. Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse, you have excruciating abdominal cramps, constant backaches and soreness in your breasts too. Your energy level’s at an all time low, and it seems like there’s nothing left to do except pop those painkillers to make your day a little more manageable.

But wait, have you ever stopped to think that what you eat during your period could help your body deal with cramps as well? As much as you’d like to rely on over-the-counter drugs, there’s a better option out there – healthy eating. It’s one way, if not, the best way to ease the pain.

So scroll down for a list of natural foods we’ve put together to help you make the switch. Couple them with some simple exercises and we guarantee you’ll never have to suffer in bed another day!

Dark Chocolate

Believe it or not, this bittersweet treat is high in magnesium, which is essentially a muscle relaxant that soothes back pains and lowers the over-contraction of muscles, thus preventing cramps. Just don’t confuse it with milk chocolate (any dairy products in are a big no-no as they trigger cramps) and make sure that it’s over 70 per cent cocoa when you’re craving for one. The darker the better!

Red Apples

Why not go with some natural sugar instead of processed ones with fibre-rich fruits? Adding red apples to your diet helps increase the liver function, reduces the symptoms of bloating and also prevents constipation. Now an apple a day won’t just keep the doctor away, it’ll keep the bloating at bay too.


Boost your mood with bananas, which are leading sources of potassium and contains vitamins that affects the blood glucose in your body. Bananas help regulate your bowel as well, so for women dealing with diarrhea during their periods – now’s a good time to head to the supermarket to grab one off the counter.


High in Omega-3 and other healthy fatty acids, a plate of Salmon or Tuna helps fight inflammation and are great for relaxing the muscles, thus decreasing the severity of your cramps. A plate of salmon sashimi or tuna roll from your favourite Japanese restaurant for dinner sounds like a really good idea, no?


In general, leafy greens like Spinach contain iron-rich nutrients (like Vitamin B6 and E) that you need when you’re menstruating. Make it a base of a delicious salad and you can be sure that you’re feeding your body right. But be careful to not eat too much, as some leafy greens might lead to bloating.


Reduce fluid retention on days you feel bloated and swollen by adding celery to your meals. You can even have them raw – as a snack throughout the day. And if it’s too bland for your taste buds, we suggest dipping them in peanut butter for that touch of sweetness.

Red Meat

When you’re menstruating, your iron levels are spiraling downwards as well so it’s necessary to restore them back. And what better way than to indulge in a nice, lean piece of red meat? Grilled, boiled or oven-roasted, you can have it on it’s own or with a plate of salad, and your iron levels should be back on the mend in no time.

Sesame Seeds

Killer cramps during the time of the month? Fret not, some sesame seeds in your meals will help. You can do so by grounding them into a paste to spread on your toast, which can be used as a substitute for peanut butter, or as a dressing over your salads. They are all around good for your health – packed with calcium that will help strengthen your bones.

Whole Grains

To prevent yourself from over-eating during the course of your period (which you may regret later), stick to whole grains, which are great because they are full of nutrients. Having oats for breakfast helps you feel fuller for longer periods of time, thus reducing the physical discomfort one feels when it’s a combination of hunger and menstrual cramps.


Caffeine is one thing to avoid during your period as it leads to more discomfort, but if you are craving for some form of it, it’s safe to go for green tea, which would help reduce cramps. Otherwise, stick to de-caffeinated ones like chamomile tea, which helps relief muscle spasms and the tension that leads to anxiety, while ginger tea helps in relieving nausea and bloating.

Jinghui Lee

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