Natural Prescriptions: Feeling oppressed and anxious?

You have palpitations and feel a lump in your throat or as though a heavy weight is on your chest? Here’s how to treat stress the natural way.



It is necessary to immediately slow down the functioning of the sympathetic nervous system, which causes an adrenaline overproduction. Passiflore and hawthorn are the ideal duo in this case. The first one has an anxiolytic action that enables psychic peace and relaxes the tense muscles. The second, has a sedative effect that has been proven to stop strong heart palpitations and thoracic oppression. Mix 1 tablespoon of it into 25 cl of cold water, bring to boil, then breathe it in for 10 minutes.


In cases of over excitement or if anxiety is soothed by entertainment or exercise, Ignatia Amara 7 HP is greatly recommended. Take two granules 3 times a day.


Make a cure of magnesium – the mineral for anti stress par excellence. If you have low levels (and it is often the case when you are stressed), you can suffer from tiredness, trembling, irritability and confusions of cardiac rhythm. Find magnesium in food (dried vegetables, nuts, almonds, cereal, specific mineral waters ) or in food supplements (D-Stress or Magdyn) and consumer from 400 to 600 mg per day for two weeks then 300 mg for the next two weeks.


The cardiac coherence. By taking the control of the cardiac rhythm through breathing, you can rebalance the autonomous nervous system. You should do six complete breaths per minute – by dedicating 5 seconds to every inhalation and 5 seconds to every exhalation. With this rhythm, the heart tempo is synchronizing with the breath. The brain, which interprets this state as emotionally neutral, improves resistance to stress. The cardiac coherence can be learned on your own. Sitting on a chair, breathe from the abdomen and gradually slow down the rhythm by increasing the amplitude. Use a timer or the free app RespiRelax available on the App Store.

Read more on our “Natural Prescriptions report:

Natural Prescriptions: Feeling sensitive with signs of depression?
Natural Prescriptions: Are you on the verge of a burn-out?
Natural Prescriptions: Are you extremely reactive and anxious?

Sylvia Vaisman

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