Valentine’s Day: Movies that he would watch with you

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:21
Django: Unchained (2012)

Rather than forcing your beau to sit through the usual sob fest of rom-coms during Valentine’s Day, here are a few atypical movies that he’ll gladly grab popcorn for.

As a present to your man, spare him the agony of chick flicks this Valentine’s Day. After all, most of these flicks tend to bore men, and some women (like me) to tears.

Boy-meets-girl, boy breaks up with girl, something happens that brings them back together – yes, that’s pretty much the standard narrative in chick flicks and honestly we’re pretty much over it.

On this year’s day of love, shake things up a little and watch movies where boy-meets-girl and then aliens also show up – well, perhaps not entirely like that but you get the gist. So here are a few films that he’ll gladly watch with you – aliens or not – and just leave the romantic sob stories for next year.

Cheryl Lee

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