Taurus: Your horoscope predictions for 2015

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:32

You will be able to express your creativity to transform it into the perfect cocoon.


Happy Family

Destiny’s little gift: The gift of family. This may come in the form of pregnancy, perhaps adoption? A child raises his head, looks into your eyes, and spreads happiness around you. If you are about the age where you may be a grandmother, a grandchild gives meaning to your life, you love to know the feeling of a baby in your arms again without inheriting the responsibilities that come with it. But that feeling can also come with a house, the house of your dreams. You will be able to express your creativity to transform it into the perfect cocoon.

Career-wise: Embrace your luck with open arms without complaining, that is all the heavens are asking of you! Be more flexible responding to events, think about others and their desires rather than what you personally believe is right for them.

Trump card: Although it has been difficult in recent years, you have increased in flexibility, tolerance, and acceptance of others (and their ideas). You now know that you’re not right all the time – this is a huge step forward and it improves your relationships with family and friends. They will appreciate your company even more.

Key dates: From March 18 to April 12, Venus is in Taurus and happiness on the horizon – parties, love, beauty come to you or your home. Mars lies in Taurus from 1st April to 13th May. If you have some renovation planned for your home sweet home, it’s time to go for it on a grand scale, the planets support you. After August 13, Jupiter enters in Virgo and this is a good ally for your earth sign. Your love relationships will be happy and constructive at this time. For singles, a companion will enter your life and that of your family. For couples, gastronomy and sensual pleasures are guaranteed.

For other horoscopes signs:


Rosine Bramly

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