Malaysia Fashion Week 2014: Stylo Fashion Awards

updated the 7 June 2016 à 10:28

6 days of maneuvering through exhibition booths, gala nights and fashion shows culminated into a finale night where 3 covetable awards were presented.

Stylo Fashion Awards 2014

After 6 days of witnessing a myriad of fashion shows from some of Malaysia’s laudable designers to a whole host of designers from around Asia, including Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and South Korea, the inaugural Malaysia Fashion Week finally drew its curtains with the announcement of 3 very deserving awards.

Presented by Mr Roland Folger, President and CEO of Mercedes Benz Malaysia, the most coveted award presented on the finale night was for Asia’s Most Influential Designer and that unquestionably went to Malaysia’s sensation, Joe Chia. Similarly last year, Joe Chia was awarded the Top 3 Most Influential Designer at Mercedes Benz Stylo Asia Fashion Week. Clearly his minimalist yet thought-provoking designs are making a huge indentation in Malaysia’s and Asia’s fashion scene.

As for Asia’s Most Connected Designer, the award was presented to Albert Andrada from The Philippines and Asia’s Most Promising Designer went to Taiwan’s Chun Ting Liu.

By merging the INTRADE trade show, Mercedes Benz Stylo Asia Fashion Week and Malaysia Fashion Showcase as pillars under one huge umbrella that is Malaysia Fashion Week, the annual event will be better posited on the global arena as it furthers the country’s retail sector and creates more opportunities for designers and buyers alike.

This is only their beginning to a very fruitful future in Asia.

Tarandip Kaur

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