Immunonutrition diet: Need energy? Don’t forget magnesium!

updated the 13 June 2014 à 22:40

Suffering from fatigue? Magnesium-deficiency might be the reason. Nutritionist Jean-Paul Curtay explains the role of this mineral and where to find it.

Immuno Nutrition3

Magnesium plays a key role as it catalyses all chemical reactions in our body, in particular, those that transform calories we eat into energy. “It operates at all stages, and stress actually consumes up a lot of it. Its deficiency is thus the leading cause of fatigue and heart attack,” says Curtay. Recommendations: Drink mineral water with at least 60mg/l of magnesium, and do not hesitate to use it to make soup and cook rice or pasta.

Green vegetables, rich in chlorophyll, are also rich in magnesium (chlorophyll molecules have a magnesium core). If possible, consume everyday.

Seeds and nuts (especially almonds and sesame), some seafood or shellfish (such as snails), full or semi-whole grains and peas also provide magnesium. These are foods that we should hence take daily. “We should consume 400mg of magnesium per day, on average, whilst we are only at approximately 240 mg a day. If we wish to increase this intake with supplements, choose salts which are able to enter blood circulation in high amounts, such as magnesium glycerophosphate. (D-Stress, MagDyn),” the specialist indicates.

Continue reading our report “Immunonutrition diet: What is it and how to follow it?

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