What does our jewellery say about us?

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:35

Rings, necklaces, bracelets … Yes, we love our jewellery. But did you know that the bling we value so much reveals more about us than we realise?


I always wear a bracelet

On the right, or left side? Keeping in mind that the wrists are “the symbolic seat of our sense of security”, favouring one wrist over the other is nothing trivial. If you prefer the right, it is almost certain that you are looking for protection in maternal love. Prefer the left? Conversely, you thereby indicate your attachment to paternal protection. And for those who are used to accumulate more than one on the same wrist, know this: your inner child is probably still hiding in you. Unless it is in fact the expression of a sense of emotional insecurity…

I play with my earrings

There is nothing left to say, not a day goes by without you meddling with your earrings. But has it never come to mind that you do it because it gives you pleasure? The ears are in fact one of the main erogenous areas of the human body. Naughty!

I wear a ring on my ring finger

If there has a meaning known to all for jewellery, it is that of an alliance, carried on the ring finger of the left hand. But while this finger undeniably evokes the idea of marriage and emotional involvement, it also refers to memories and therefore anything that binds us to the past. What does the ring then say about what you have experienced? As for those who wear a ring on the right hand, they know that it reveals a distinctive temperament swing. But you already knew that, didn’t you?


Anne Durand

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine