Beautiful Blooms: Top 7 bespoke florists in Kuala Lumpur

These florists will make sure the bouquets they create will melt the hearts of any receiver.


It is not every day that we patronise the flower shop, which is why it can be difficult when the occasion arrives for us to purchase the perfect floral bouquet. Where are the places that stock the freshest flowers? Which florist does bouquet wrapping best? Are there different bouquet styles you need to know? At the end of the day, what may have seemed like a simple task to begin with may wind up your biggest stress factor.

We recommend planning a flower bouquet in advance, as a customised design would always fare better than a pre-made one you simply grab from the store. Some stores offer delivery as well, which obviously has to be planned days before, but will make a wonderful surprise for your loved ones. In our gallery, we’ve picked out the florists who offer some of the prettiest bespoke bouquets you will ever see, so you’ll have one less thing to worry about. All of our recommended options are online, so just choose a store that feels right, and make an order!

Dione Chen

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