5 tips for a flat stomach!

updated the 20 June 2014 à 23:17

Marie France Asia offers 5 easy tips to follow everyday in order to achieve a flat stomach – without too much effort.

Woman measuring her waist

1. Breathe better:

Or rather practice better expiration, thus returning the belly and not pushing forward. It is an effective way to build the stomach muscle, provided that you regularly pay attention to your breathing. When you begin an exercise, exhale first, stretching the distance between the neck and the perineum, which encourages us to straighten our posture.

2. Infuse some seeds: 

Pour in a jar equal amounts of fennel seeds, coriander and cumin. Shake well. Throw a teaspoon of the mixture in a cup of boiling water, strain after 10 minutes infusion. Otherwise, use cumin alone. The anise and caraway can also be prepared the same way. All these seeds – which belong to the same Apiaceae family – are deemed to combat bloating and aid digestion.

3. Get creative with vegetables: 

Since they are rich in insoluble fibre, vegetables are sometimes difficult to digest which can encourage us to reduce their consumption. However, they bring a wealth of minerals and vitamins: Their fibres have the ability to accelerate the transit and elimination of toxins. To ‘tame’ the vegetables gently prepare mixed soups (not overcooked), juices (the juicer removes unwanted fibres), and think of lacto-fermented vegetables (like cabbages) which are rich in enzymes and contain friendly bacteria for the intestines. As for carrots or beets, grate and marinate them for a few hours in advance in dressing to make them more digestible.

4. Take probiotics: 

Our intestinal flora is home to billions of bacteria essential to the proper functioning of digestion. They can reduce or see their balance compromised when taking antibiotics, during period of stress or disturbance of the immune system. This causes possible disorders, swelling, and bloating… Hence the importance of a regular intake of probiotics as they contribute to the strengthening of friendly bacteria in our flora. Present in yogurt, fermented milk, kefir, lacto-fermented products, soy sauce… they are also available in dietary supplements: as capsules resistant to gastric acidity or powder concentrate that passes quickly in the stomach.

5. Learn how to exercise: 

Exercises reinforce the casing of deep abdominal muscles, which guarantee the toning of back and flat belly. A Little exercise: Spend 20 to 25 seconds with your body lying, motionless parallel to the ground without digging your back, resting on the elbows and heels, with legs straight and slightly apart.

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine