Verbal Skills: 6 Schools in Singapore to pick up Asian languages

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:03
Ikoma (Japanese)

Instead of restricting yourself to one language, broaden your horizon with a whole new repertoire – more is always better.

English may be the most important working language to have, but we think it is always better to understand as many languages as possible. And since we’re nearing the end of May, it’s probably time to work on those New Year’s resolutions once again, especially if you had ‘learn a new language’ on that list.

In Singapore, most of us speak at least two or more languages – English, Mother-Tongue + Dialect, so why not take it up a notch and make an effort to explore the languages of our neighbours. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to understand every single word of your favourite K-drama? Or bargain with the locals in Thailand when shopping?

It also gives you extra professional points on your resume in the working world and gives you an edge over other candidates.

So why not actually make good on your resolutions and pick up a new language?

Cheryl Lee

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