Mt. Sapola: Battle the haze with natural detoxifying essential oils

updated the 7 October 2015 à 00:03
For refreshed respiratory system

With the return of the ‘Singapore haze’, arm yourselves with these essential oils to provide a much-needed respite for your respiratory system.

Just when we thought the dark days of returning home with charred-smelling hair, inhaling dust-filled air and living in a blur – literally – are long gone, the haze has come creeping back to haunt us once again. To save us from suffocating days ahead, we have Mt. Sapola and their heavenly range of natural detoxifying essential oils to thank, as they are just what we need to brave the following weeks. Not only do the essential oils provide a much-needed reprieve for our respiratory system, the essential oils also boast of healing properties that will keep us healthy and strong – with or without the haze.

Take your pick from Mt. Sapola’s range of rejuvenating and soothing essential oils which comprises of tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary and peppermint, each with their unique set of benefits that will be your saving grace while the haze continues to loom over this sunny region.

Mt. Sapola essential oils are available at the following stockists worldwide.

Annabelle Chew

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