Best Foot Forward: 5 foot care products to get happy feet

updated the 10 August 2017 à 06:47
Sephora Collection

Get a leg up with these products that will care for dry, callused feet!

So you’ve got your beauty routine down pat, but have you been paying attention to your feet? Although our feet support us all day, we tend to forget to care for them because they’re not in plain sight. If you’re taking note of your feet now and they look a little worse for wear, read on.

The skin on the soles of our feet is thicker because they are required to endure friction from performing harsher tasks. However, it makes them no less susceptible to damage. Did you know that unlike the other parts of the body, the feet do not contain oil glands? This is why foot care is important in order to keep the feet adequately moisturised. Wearing exposed footwear such as open-heeled shoes or sandals can dry out the feet, and cracking can also occur where pressure is most heavily and frequently applied. Cracked feet are not only unsightly, but can become extremely painful and lead to bacterial infections. Other problems such as corns and calluses can happen from wearing poor fitting shoes.

Don’t lose your footing – from masks to creams and scrubs, check out our gallery above for foot care products that will give your feet the love they deserve!

Rachel Zheng

Photo: Getty Images

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