Beauty No-No: 10 ways that you are destroying your skin

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:51
Everyday heavy makeup

From sleeping with makeup on to over-exfoliation or binge drinking, you’ll be surprised to see how many of these beauty mistakes you’re committing.

As much as we do a whole lot to protect our skin from a host of externalities that threaten to destroy it, some habits or mannerisms simply go under our radar.

It could be as simple as not removing your makeup after a night out because you just want to pounce onto bed to not entirely realising the amount of unnecessary sodium or sugar that goes into your diet to plain ‘ol frowning when things do not work out for you.

You’re not the only ones though, we’ve definitely been guilty of a couple which is why we’re to nip this in the bud for once and for all. After all, anything that destroys our skin and shortens its ‘lifespan’ is a no-go in our beauty books.

Tarandip Kaur

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine