Chiseled Cheekbones: 10 Alternatives to your contouring powder

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:02

You don’t need a professional palette or high-end tools to get the famous Kim Kardashian makeup look. Find other products in your makeup bag that you could use!

If you’ve been wanting to get on the chiseled cheekbones bandwagon but haven’t had the time to get yourself a contouring powder, hold your horses. You might just be able to contour with anything you already have in your makeup bag.

Essentially, any brown product screams endless possibilities to get that perfect Kim Kardashian look. A brown eyeshadow blends well on the eyes, so why not on the rest of the face? You could also do this as a test drive of the look on yourself before you invest in a contour and highlight palette.

If you’re trying the look for the first time, a rule of thumb to remember is to add shade to parts of your face that would usually recede if you hold a light above your face. This would basically refer to the cheekbones, sides of the nose, temples and jawline. With an angled brush, apply the product sparingly to each area. That way you can always build up to your desired darkness. Pack on too much at one time and it could be difficult to turn back the clock.

An eyebrow pencil could also double up as your contouring tool on-the-go. If you realised you forgot to add some dimension to your face after leaving home, draw a few strategic lines with a light hand to where you would usually place your contour and blend with your fingertips. Do the same with a brown gel eyeliner.

See how easy it is to look defined? You don’t even need professional tools!

Nur Syazana H. 

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