Lighten Up: 5 Ways to fade dark spots

updated the 6 October 2015 à 22:53
Lemon juice

Are dark spots or discoloured patches of skin blocking your way to a flawless complexion? Find out the necessary steps to banish them once and for all.

Nothing quite chips away at your confidence like a face marred by dark spots and patches of discolouration. The fact that there are thousands of anti-discolouration and dark spot corrector creams is proof that it is an issue most women don’t take lying down.

While there are many factors that contribute to hyperpigmentation, the most common reason seems to be UV rays from the sun. The resulting spots are usually harmless, but many consider them unattractive.

Thankfully, there are solutions! Whether your brown spots and uneven skin tone are from hormones, acne breakouts, your age showing up or just overexposure to UV rays, the following natural treatments will lighten and brighten your skin, one spot at a time.

Karen George

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine