Beauty Mistakes: When treatments go all wrong

updated the 11 June 2014 à 22:16

Your wax strip is too hot, you have ridiculous-looking tan lines… We present all the tricks to avoid these common mistakes.


My eyes have doubled in size overnight

Quickly rinse your eyes with hot water, or better, with saline to remove the oils (waterproof eye makeup remover) which may have seeped in during the night. Then “deflate” the eyelids by applying a cold water compress or the back of a stainless steel spoon just out of the refrigerator.

My scrub  was too abrasive

Immediately relieve inflammation of the face with a soothing and antiseptic mist like Serozinc La Roche-Posay, (available at pharmacies), then moisturize by tapping on a hypoallergenic cream. In the evening, avoid unnecessary handling and simply clean the skin with a milk-based lotion, being careful to avoid solutions like floral water, which could cause a reaction. Avoid anti-aging treatments and creams for one or two days as well, in order not to overload an epidermis already under stress.

I am unable to pull off my hot wax strip

Cool the wax by sprinkling over talcum powder, and use a few drops of vegetable oil (sweet almond, calendula, jojoba …) in order to take it off without irritating the skin. Soothe the burning sensation with Biafine (available at pharmacies).

I peel the skin off my lips

To prevent your lips from peeling any further, spread them with an oily cream, or a little Vaseline. Scrub with a soft pad to take off any leftover skin, and leave on a moisturizing face mask all night. Guaranteed plumping effect upon waking up!

My face is burning

In case of allergic reactions to a skincare product, the protocol is to sprinkle the face thoroughly or apply compresses soaked in hot water to remove the allergens. Leave the skin bare (without cream or make-up) and rest during the hours that follow.

I have pimples around my bikini line

Aggressive shaving and plucking with tweezers causes the hair to grow under the skin and form small pimples. To repair the damage, make a habit of lightly exfoliating and moisturizing to soften the skin and allow the hairs to grow out. If they are still there after a week, it means that are ingrown hairs. In this case, it is better to visit a dermatologist who will make small incisions.

I become a zebra after tanning
Make a good scrub to remove the majority of dead skin cells and complete the operation with some proper suntan and sunblock lotion.

Continue reading our report on “Hair and makeup mistakes”:

When hair goes wrong

Makeup: when less is more…and more is disastrous

Alix Etournaud

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine