Girl Power: 10 Books with strong female protagonists

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:15
The Girl Who Fell From The Sky by Heidi W. Durrow

Sick of the damsels in distress plot? Power up with these novels where kick-ass heroines go on journeys of self-discovery with no Prince Charming in sight.

What better way to round up Women’s History Month in March than to start April by reading about and being inspired by the women who have had a positive impact on our lives. While we applaud the modern day women like Maya Angelou and Emma Watson, some of our favourite inspiring females happen to live within the pages of our favourite fictional books!

While it’s true the literary scene still has a long way to go when it comes to featuring more female heroines who aren’t damsels in distress involved in a love triangle, there are, thankfully some female roles who can hold their own without the stereotypical plot and characters.

Here is our list of 10 awesome novels with strong women protagonists that deserve to get more recognition. Now, grab a hot cup of cocoa or a refreshing glass of soda and allow your minds to be whisked away.

Happy reading!

Karen George

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