Slumber Party: 10 Fun movies for your kids to watch at sleepovers

How To Train Your Dragon (2010)

Send your kids and their friends on a whirlwind of an adventure as they immerse themselves in the fantastical worlds of these spectacular movies!

Nearly nothing gets kids more pumped up than sleepovers. Whether their friends are coming over to squeeze with them in their cosy room or they’re crashing at someone else’s place for the night, sleepovers entail a night of non-stop playtime and insane activities. From jamming to music and prank calling mutual friends, there’s just so much your kids can do at slumber parties.

But, let’s be real, a sleepover would be nothing if movies weren’t involved. After all, movie night – but with fun-loving friends? That’s a killer combo right there. So, for your kid’s next sleepover, we’ve prepped a whole list of fun movies to entertain the whole gang! And, not to worry, we’ve steered away from the horror and melodrama department and instead, charged full speed towards the comedy and fantasy genres. From animated movies to non-animated ones, these exciting films vow to make your kids’ next sleepover the best one yet.

Ready to knock your kid’s socks off with the movies you’ve prepped for them? Then head up to our gallery to get started!

Lim Han

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