Christmas Gift Guide: Goodies for the foodies

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:35

We’ve curated a bunch of gift options for the people in your lives who always have a finger on the latest treats.

In the season of giving, where the most important people in your lives deserve to be showered with presents and trinkets personal to them, shopping can become a real hassle. While you may have a hint on what to get your makeup-obsessed friend or for someone who simply relishes in pretty packaging, the real trick in gifting essentially comes in pleasing your foodie friend.

These are the people who always have a finger on the latest cafe opening or the newest, most innovating treat to sink their teeth into. Ultimately, no amount of makeup or clothes will bring the same amount of joy to their faces as a fancy youghurt delight.

And if sourcing for delicious food and divine wines isn’t you forte then rest assured for we’ve rounded up a delectable selection of treats – from irresistible desserts to gingerbread cookies and log cakes that’ll entice food lovers to their very hungry core. Trust us, this is bound to get them salivating before you even reveal what”s beneath the wrapper.

Tarandip Kaur

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