Luxury Lust: Our pick of high-end watches to splurge on

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:14

It’s time to invest your money on an exquisite timepiece that’s brimming with finesse from its design to technical mastery.

Luxury designer watches come with their own cloud of allure and elegance that trumps every other accessory. When asked, watchmakers will enthuse about the sheer level of mastery and intricacies that go into crafting some of the world’s finest watches. Which is why they’re seen as a symbol of prestige and the epitome of sophistication. Sure some of them focus less on the technical aspect of watchmaking and are instead more design-centric, but ultimately these watches do rise above the pack of generic watches. 

Akin to statement jewellery, luxury watches are conversation starters on their own right so if your wardrobe is lacking a sense of finesse, then perhaps it’s time to invest some money on a haute timepiece. For convenience sake, because we all know time is precious, we’ve highlighted key luxury watches that you should be getting your hands on – or your wrists.

Time is too short to not splurge on a luxury watch.

Tarandip Kaur

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