Oriental Flare: 10 Kimono tops to grab this summer season

updated the 7 July 2016 à 16:34

The kimono top has been all the rage recently, and is a must-have accessory for every girl’s wardrobe.

You know that cardigan, which barely looks like a cardigan, that almost appears to be a shawl, but doesn’t really make the cut? Yes, that’s the one. The kimono top, they call it, and a highly-coveted piece of fashion that’s been sweeping fashion news in recent years. You’ve got to admit it, the versatility of this accessory is what makes it so popular, so lovable and so easy to wear. What’s more, it’s great for both the hot and humid weather of Singapore and the cold air-conditioning indoors. Why, you can even choose to wear it over your swimsuit at the beach!

Not only is it one of the few types of outerwear that suit the, what most would call, unfavourable weather conditions in Singapore, most kimono tops are designed with the prettiest embellishments and prints that are rarely found on any other type of clothing. Perhaps this whimsical, flowy look is what makes kimono tops so attractive as well.

Check out our gallery above for the kimono tops that we believe you have to get this sunny (and rainy) season.

Dione Chen

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