Breakfast: Food we can consume once in a while

updated the 13 June 2014 à 23:08

We should allow these foods on our breakfast table from time to time.



Since we should stick to 20g of sugar per day, the bowl of cereal is not a bad option as it does not contain too much sugar. Refer to the label on the packaging as an estimate: 15g per 100g.

Eggs or ham:

A slice of ham, an egg or 2 crabsticks are probably alright, in the condition that you only eat meat or fish once more in the course of the day.


Why not? Cheese is a staple for diet junkies. The important thing is the serving size: 30g max per day (all meals included), approximately 1/16 of a block of cheddar.

Though a little thicker than bread, 3 biscottis can replace a slice of toast.


Croissants, pain au chocolate and cinnamon rolls all are more or less equal in terms of composition and calories. We suggest a maximum of one pastry a week.

Buns/Milk breads

We have no incentive to eat too much sugar in the morning. So varying your breakfasts with brioche bread is probably a bad idea. But for those who insist, we suggest 60-80g once a week max.

Discover more breakfast secrets in our report “Breakfast: What to eat, and how often?”

Food we should consume very little of.
Food we should consume everyday.

Mathieu Rached

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