The Unusual Suspects: 6 Places to try exotic cuisines in Singapore

updated the 27 November 2015 à 12:22
Aloha Poke (Hawaiian)

There’s no reason to be bored with your meals when there are so many exciting cuisines to try!

Sometimes we can find ourselves at a loss deciding what to have for dinner on a Saturday. After awhile, all these restaurants start feeling the same. We may love chilli crabs, pasta and sushi, but it can get boring eating the same old meals over and over again.

It’s normal to be stuck in a culinary rut, but the trick is how you get out of it. The best way is to excite your bored taste buds with exciting new flavours. Trying a new cuisine doesn’t just stimulate your taste sensors. In fact, eating is an experience that requires you to use all your senses.

We are fortunate to be living in a culinary capital. Singapore is a melting pot of races, cultures and ethnic groups that contribute to our unique culinary landscape. So even though we may have tried everything from one cuisine, there’s always something new to experience.

We round up six places on the little red dot to visit and fill yourself up with some delicious and exotic fare.

Amanda Lim

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine