Recipe: Traditional Singapore Laksa

updated the 20 June 2014 à 23:00

Recreate one of Singapore’s most popular ‘Hawker’ dishes at home. CHEF IN HEELS Simbian Chua shows us how!


Serves 1 – Takes 12 minutes


4 Tiger prawns
2 Tau pok
1 Fish cake
1 Laksa leaf
1 packet of Prima Laksa Lamian


  1. Peel the Tiger prawns and leave the head and tail on. Set aside.
  2. Slice the Tau Pok and fish cake and set aside.
  3. Combine the premix A & B with 500ml water and boil them.
  4. Once it starts boiling, throw the prawns in for a dive.
  5. Once cooked, remove the prawns and put the Lamian noodles in.
  6. Boil for 6 minutes, then add in the Tau Pok and fish cake for another 2 minutes.
  7. Remove from heat. It is ready to be served with the tiger prawns and laksa leaf. Enjoy!

Simbian Chua

Photo: Simbian Chua/Marie France Asia

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine