Can bacteria resolve health conditions?

updated the 7 July 2015 à 10:05

To keep skin problems, cancer risks or high cholesterol at bay, it is essential to take care of the intestinal flora bacteria.



One million bacteria colonises each centimeter square of our skin. “Different from the digestive flora, this microbial population plays a key role in the defense of the epidermis from attacks,” says Dr. Anne-Marie Schmitt, Director of the Research Centre Pierre Fabre. Its composition varies by region of the body. Dry areas like forearms do not have the same diversity as the face. “When skin is assaulted (irritation, infection …), microbial harmony is broken. Some strains took power and favor the occurrence of diseases whose nature depends on the land on which they grow, she said. On atopic skin, for example, the proliferation of Staphylococcus Aureus could result in eczema flare. “Be wary of products that can disturb the flora, such as soaps or foaming cleansers, instead try micellar water or surgras gels. In case of atopy, Avene Thermal Spring Water contains a rebalancing microflora and XeraCalm AD balm contains natural assets that are extracted.”


A little diversified intestinal microbiota predispose to colorectal cancer. According to a New York study, patients with this disease harbour fewer bacteria of the genus Clostridia: 68.6% against nearly 79% in the general population. Now these germs are strategic: they convert the fibers of fruits and vegetables into butanoic acid, a molecule that limits inflammation and inhibits cancerous cells. They also participate in the degradation of circulating estrogen. When outnumbered, the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women increases.


Some strains of bacteria benefactors contribute to the removal of cholesterol, but the excess gives rise to dangerous deposits in the arteries (atherosclerotic plaques). One of them, called D8, for example, transforms into coprostanol – an indigestible substance which is discharged with the stool. Floras teeming with bacteria D8 participate in the regulation of blood cholesterol levels and therefore better heart health.


Swallow a dose of good bacteria to boost our health? If much has been heard of probiotics in recent years, these products are not yet fully developed. And none of those sold can fly to the rescue of seriously disturbed microbiota. They may, however, render services to a small battered, transient flora. Provided you choose the right product, the one that contains the adapted bacteria adapted sufficient! “We need at least 10 billion live bacteria per dose for a beneficial effect,” said Dr. Cho. And again, if the probiotics reach the intestine. The ideal is to swallow on an empty stomach at least thirty minutes before a solid meal. “The best are the types of pearly capsules, designed to withstand stomach acid,” says Dr. Teitelbaum.

Sylvia Vaisman and Nur Syazana H.

Read more:

5 Hidden benefits of bacteria

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