Calorific: What does 200 calories look like?

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:35
Blueberry muffin

Do you wonder what really makes up 200 Kcal? The Calorific app gives you a multitude of examples.

Those who are incapable of estimating the number of calories on their plate should find the solution in Calorific. This new application is divided into various categories: fruits, vegetables, sweets, meat/fish, bread/cereal, drinks, sauces/dairy products. You will learn that 5 slices of breaded fish, 43g of Smarties, a cream puff pastry filled with chocolate, 909g of fresh button mushrooms or 435g of plums, all contain 200 calories.


We could consider ourselves better informed and ready to face the test of the Christmas and New Year holidays, but Calorific has two weaknesses. First, the app does not specify the origin of the selected food. And we know, for example, that pastries vary from recipe to recipe in terms of their calorie intake. The same applies to vegetables (canned, frozen, pre-cooked) or slices of ham. Second, it is not at all about nutrition. Therefore, this app can lead us to believe that we are eating well by consuming fewer calories, but it doesn’t specify that consuming only sweets for example is worse for our health than slightly exceeding the recommended daily calorie intake.

Our verdict? This application provides only a (very) vague idea of the quantities to consume. It has the advantage of presenting mouth-watering photos that depict food in a very flattering way. And we would well give in to the temptation because it is only about 200 Kcal. So, go ahead and admire, savour, and especially save an app that offers nothing; neither for losing weight, nor finding a better food balance.

Photo: Calorific app

Clemence Floc’h

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine