How to find sexual harmony with your partner?

You want it three times a week, he wants it twice a month, in the morning, evening or at random. There are more places to find common ground than a bed… here’s how.


You want to have sex three times a week but he wants it only twice a month (or vice versa). He loves doing it in the morning, while you prefer the evening. You need to find a common ground. Transported by the desire to love and become one flesh, we sometimes forget an essential parameter; we are not alone in a couple. Both parties differ in terms of their temperament, loving experience and personal history. He can like hot videos and you can prefer gardening ones. He can have a big libido and want to do it every other evening, while you are satisfied doing it just once a month.

Sooner or later, our beliefs about sex and feelings impact our everyday life. Sex should be a spontaneous and natural act (false); men think about sex more than women (false); if we are crazily in love with each other, we should want to do it at the same time (extremely false); and a reduction in desire does not mean our feelings have diminished (true). Pascal de Sutter, psychologist and professor of sexology, and Valérie Doyen, sex therapist, explored these variations in levels of desire.

Read more:

Couples: We don’t talk about sex the same way
Couples: We don’t have the same rhythm
Couples: We don’t have the same approach
Couples: We don’t like the same preliminaries
Couples: We don’t have the same sex drive

Valerie Rodrigue

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