Annual Performance Review: Optimising your meeting time

updated the 12 June 2014 à 23:52

At an annual meeting with your boss, he is not talking to you at all as a friend. The key is to maximize the time we have to bring up the right topics.

job with business man

At each stage of the discussion (performance assessment/ behavioural/ professional work), the employee is invited to make comments. It is essential to know how to use this time. “This is the moment when you can explain your actions, your challenges and your successes, your expectations, your results and your needs for guidance or training,” continues Hervé Aulner. It is a moment that we should not waste trying to shorten the interview. You are not there to recount your long stories of your pets and your boyfriends, your two hours by train to come work “in this turn” and your teens who broke your iPad, which explains why the rate of customer satisfaction box fell to 20% in six months. You are here to talk about your career within the company. Not more, not less.

Our tips for a successful annual performance review
Keep track of your performance in the company
Know how to discuss, without being overbearing
Stop stressing out!
Fight for your due, without asking for the impossible
Be firm in your stand

Valérie Rodrigue



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