Tidying Hacks: 6 Clever tips for a clean & organised car

Utilise shower caddies for in-car dining

Cars are seriously neat inventions. Let’s keep it that way.

For many of you, your car is basically your portable home. You drive in it, eat in it and sometimes, sleep in it. And, as all homes do, they can get messy. Really messy. Say, the single food wrapper that you mindlessly throw onto the passenger seat spirals into a dishevelled mountain of rubbish that you continually add to every day. Or maybe your miscellaneous possessions are strewn across the dashboard and backseat, leaving no space for other passengers. Well, it’s time for a change.

Driving around in a pest-infested car or disorderly vehicle is simply disastrous for your health and overall well-being. But, if you have no idea where or how to start clearing it out, don’t worry, we have a handful of car organisation tips that will lead you down the road to an immaculate interior. Tidy trunks and organised dashboards? That’s going to be a reality for you in time to come.

So, buckle up – we’re taking you on a road trip through the various ways you can clean and spruce up your car! Fret not, this journey’s a smooth one.

Lim Han

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