Must we look good at work?

updated the 13 June 2014 à 23:19

Hair colour, resume photo, choice of attire… We should not lie to ourselves, all these actually matters during an interview. And usually, even after…

Portrait of cute young business woman

At work, we are supposed to work. But also to look good. It is a mark of respect for both the colleagues and the image that the company wants to put forth, and for this we have to look the part. But is it a simple matter of proper conduct or is it an outright physical criterion, of measurements, of your brown or red mane, and of your makeup skills?

The job market is sometimes harder than the seduction market. Between the interview becoming a model casting and office life, a giant Mardi Gras parade, there is something to take yourself away from the bleached hair webs. Have all the offices performing as the Abercrombie & Fitch moved to Asia? We tailor ourselves according to the requirements of modelling agencies to be hired. Recruiters, headhunters, coaches and sociologists are questioning what we want women to show in the office, apart from their skills.

Are we recruited based on our looks?

Is our professional career dependent on our appearance?

Physical workplace discrimination: Your stories.

Valérie Rodrigue

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine