August Birthstone: 10 Peridot jewellery pieces to covet this month

We’ve fallen madly in love with the sweet and soft green hues of the peridot gemstone.

David Yurman

The lovely lime-green colour of peridot, accompanied by its subtle light-catching hints of gold, is truly a gemstone that makes for stunning jewellery. Because of its light shade that ranges from pistachio green to olive green (much unlike the intensely rich hues of emeralds), the peridot makes a perfect adornment for a summer outfit. It is no wonder, then, that the peridot is the birthstone for the month of August.

Historically known as “olivine”, peridot is a very old gemstone that was common in Ancient Egyptian jewellery. Its popularity has somehow survived several millennia and is still seen as a prized jewellery component even to this day. Because of its radiant green shine and attractive transparency, polished peridot gemstones are highly sought-after. Some believe the stone to be able to increase happiness and prosperity, as well as promote confidence and mental clarity , so we’d definitely like to get our hands on a few of the pieces in the gallery above!

Angela Goh

Read more:

July Birthstone: 11 Ruby jewellery pieces to dream of this month

Accessory Tips: How to choose the right jewellery for your skin tone

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine