Facial Footnotes: 3 Signs your facial is not suitable for your skin

updated the 22 March 2017 à 14:15

Have you recently tried a facial treatment that ended with sub-par results? Or worse?

Cool buttery masks coupled with soothing facial massages – what’s not to love about facials? From steaming to exfoliation, facial treatments harness high-skilled techniques to rejuvenate your skin. Although they can sometimes entail slight stinging and pain during extraction processes, you’re often left with a smooth radiant complexion a week later. Except, not if something went wrong.

As beneficial as facials are, they are commonly a one-size-fits-all procedure. With everyone possessing different skin types and conditions, it’s hard for these treatments to specifically cater to each customer. This could result in the rare case of a bad skin reaction. If you’re thinking of trying out facials or you have just stepped out of the salon and are unsure if what you’re experiencing now is normal, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve rounded up 3 tell-tale signs that your facial is not adapted to your skin.

1. Obvious redness and burning sensations

Although slight redness and a tingling sensation are perfectly normal things to experience after your facial, if you resemble a cooked lobster (and feel like one) due to intense heat stinging your skin, something isn’t right. These are negative signs of your skin reacting to an unsuitable ingredient or an over-exfoliation. If you’re experiencing these harsh reactions, it’s best to let your aesthetician know so he/she can give your skin a longer soothing and cooling down period.

2. Post-facial bleeding

Extracting blackheads and squeezing pimples are bound to induce minute bleeding. But, bleeding as you walk out of your facial salon is certainly not normal. This could be due to the negligence of your facialist or worse, a sign of a deeper skin problem. Inform your facialist to get information on how you can treat the bleeding at home. If this issue keeps recurring, have no qualms about contacting a dermatologist.

3. Severe breakouts, and on unusual areas

Anyone who’s been undergoing facials for awhile now will attest to the fact that post-facial breakouts are all part of the package. And they’re right. But, if your breakouts constitute of pus-pilled pimples sprouting uncontrollably in clusters and on areas of your face you don’t usually have breakouts, this is a possible sign of a bad allergy reaction. Now, the last thing you want to do is to return to the salon for another facial session to extract these pimples. It’s only going to make matters worse. Contact your dermatologist or doctor immediately to seek medical help before the allergy gets out of hand.

If your post-facial skin is trapped in the “normal, but not really” position, it’s best to just call up your dermatologist. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

Lim Han

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