Ink 101: 5 Things to consider as a working professional before you get a tattoo

Before you even have an inkling of what kind of tattoo you’re after, you should consider these 5 things.

Your personal image

Have you caved to the alluring charm of tattoos and would like nothing more than to ink yourself? Well, before you go under the needle, let us ask you one simple question: are you currently a working professional, or are looking to become one in the near future? If your answer to that is yes, you might want to take a step back for a moment and think things through carefully.

The process of getting a tattoo entails a whole string of complexities in itself, but, when mingled with the setting of the professional working world, the situation gets even murkier. The working world retains certain expectations and regulations when it comes to appearances and failure to comply with them could get you dismissed. Thus, it is crucial that you make the necessary considerations before permanently marking yourself.

We’ve compiled a list of 5 vital points you should go over before getting a tattoo. Given that this is an irreversible process (unless you want to go through the harrowing removal operation), there’s zero room for negligence. Head over to our gallery to get started on your tattoo journey (if your company allows it, that is).

Lim Han

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