Insomniac Solutions: 10 Calming teas that will put you right to sleep

We hope this doesn’t bore you to sleep – although, it may be good if it does.

Chamomile tea

Have you been waking up with eyes as heavy as dumbbells and looking in the mirror to see dark eye circles glaring back at you? We know, it’s not your fault – you’ve been abstaining from caffeine, cutting down on pre-bedtime screen-staring durations and going to bed on time… but nothing seems to be doing the trick for the countless nights of tossing and turning, endless sheep-counting and staring at the ceiling.

Well, before you turn to sleeping pills for help, we’re going to let you in on a powerful insomnia remedy: tea. Now, before we get eggs pelted at us and protests hurled our way due to the renowned fact that tea contains caffeine, let us stop you there and assure you that the teas we’re bringing to the table are totally caffeine-free.

These teas have astounding calming properties that will have you tucking you into bed feeling as relaxed as a peace-loving yoga instructor. You’ll be falling asleep in no time.

Lim Han

Photos: Getty Images

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